Monday, May 3, 2010

Issue #92: No Longer Alone is up & Updates

Yes, Issue #92 is finally up! It took me very long, but now it's up! Here are the credits for this issue:
Image Editing-DCQ
Proof-Read by-Jodie
This issue involves mostly Taranee. She feels alone, and her parents are getting worried. They take her to a pet clinic, where they meet Dr. Moore and Luna. Taranee adopts two dogs and discovers Luna has a twin sister, Sun! Sun is a little harsh and is also magical. She goes on an adventure with the twins and saves the clinic from a fire. In the end, Taranee becomes best friends with them both.
Issue #93-Scanning & image-editing is done, translation will begin soon.
Issue #94 will be scanned/image edited in the next few days.
Check back for more,

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