Friday, November 11, 2011

~Happy Veterans' Day & 11/11/11!~

~Credits for this image go to W.I.T.C.H. Paradise by witchclass:

Happy Veterans' Day! This post is dedicated to all the veterans out there, thanking them for their service. This day is the anniversary of the signing of the armistice, which ended the World War I hostilities between the Allied nations and Germany in 1918. May you veterans rest, you deserve it.

Today is also 11/11/11, a.k.a. the only time for another 100 years that the month, day and year match each other. This day's considered a day to wish, one little wish in the morning at 11:11 AM, and another huge wish at 11:11 PM at night. You have to wish at exactly 11:11 AM/PM. I'm not superstitious...but I wish my wish would come true. <3 I've already made my two wishes, have you?

I hope you've enjoyed your Veterans' Day & 11/11/11! Come back tomorrow for W.I.T.C.H. Site of the Month Choices & a second post about Issue #128!


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